StoryWrens were brought in to play for the Hollywood opening of the Netflix show, "The Witcher". This was a themed live event at a "marketplace" created adjacent to the historic Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
A week before the event, Storywrens were given the sound cues to the entire season and asked to play "Witcher Music". After digging through basically a lot of sound effects, we were able to snag a couple of instrumentals and songs that could be performed live. The producers specifically asked us to play "The Witcher", "Her Sweet Kiss", "Fishmonger" and "You Think You're Safe"...all without lead sheets and with catchy titles such as "Ep1 track 12".
The producers asked for rehearsal videos. This was our first rehearsal of the material two days before the event. In the video, you can see we are reading. Mark transcribed the lead sheets from the audio cues.
The strangest song that the producers asked for was "You Think You're Safe" for which we had no context. Producers wanted to see us play it and Vickie nailed it!
The other great win of this job was that in the audio cues, there was quite a bit of hurdy gurdy and so Nathaniel and I went over to our hurdy gurdy guru Scott Gamon, and brought it up to speed enough to play it for the event!
